Förlängd tid för målbildssvar

Uppfödning Om SKK

Fransk Bulldogg Klubb och Svenska Klubben för Engelsk Bulldogg har bett om ytterligare tid att komma in med kommentarer kring målbilderna. Det har självfallet beviljats då det är viktigt att klubbarna kan göra en grundlig genomlysning och komma in med väl grundande synpunkter. Tidsperioden att inkomma med kommentarerna har därför utvidgats med ytterligare en vecka.

In english:

Regarding the target images presented a few weeks ago for comment by breed clubs, breeders and dog owners, the French bulldog club and the English bulldog club have now requested an extension of the time period for compiling their comments. As it is important for the continued work that the feedback is based on a thorough assessment, a one-week extension of the original deadline has been granted.

Declaration on dog health

Creating target images is a sub-project within a larger undertaking to improve the health of all pedigree dogs and has been assigned to a special working group. The original group was established about three years ago by the Swedish Kennel club (SKK) board. The group, led by SKKs previous chairman, first produced a new declaration stating that dog health is to be put first in all breeding and rewarding that occurs within the Swedish Kennel club. This declaration was subsequently approved and adopted by SKKs biannual general meeting in September last year.

While the declaration concerns all breeds, it also states that special attention is to be given to issues specific to brachycephalic breeds. Beside the tasks of addressing genetic variation and health issues unrelated to conformation, the working group was also assigned to create target images to aid visualization. As the work wasn’t completed during the previous term period, the baton was passed on to the current group members. Both group line ups include breeders and conformation judges.

Seeking stakeholder opinions

The target images, in their current form, have been presented to and discussed with the clubs. The information has also been emailed to all breeders of the concerned breeds and published on the SKK website, as it is important that all stakeholders with interest in the breeds in question are given a chance to have their say. The brachycephalic breeds included in this sub project are the French bulldog, the English bulldog, the Pug and the Boston Terrier.

The intention behind creating target images is to visualize what the average dog could look like if current research and knowledge about health-promoting features were to be applied - within the scope of the breed standard text. 

Not changing breed standards

The aim isn’t to change the breed standard, which is an odd misunderstanding that appears to have spread. Anyone with knowledge of the dog world knows that only the country of origin can change the breed’s standard. Instead, the purpose of the target images is to suggest an interpretation of the breed standard that, based on research, seeks to maximize the chances of the dog being healthy.