Looking for a pet friendly place to stay close to Stockholmsmässan and European Dog Show? We've got you covered.

As a member of one of the regional clubs of the Swedish Kennel Club, you have the opportunity to book hotels at a discounted rate. You can find the hotel chains we partner with through Mitt SKK, where you can also learn more about how to make your reservation.
Hotels near Stockholmsmässan
Previous visitors have recommended:
- Connect Hotel Stockholm i Älvsjö, located near Stockholmsmässan.
- Hotel Scandic Talk, located right outside the main entrance of Stockholmsmässan
- Good Morning+ Hägersten, a pet-friendly hotel a few kilometers from Stockholmsmässan
Hotels Around Stockholm
You can also search for a suitable hotel on the following websites:
Good luck!
Unfortunately, we cannot answer questions about hotel prices or their locations in relation to the show. Please contact the hotels directly!