Svenska Kennelklubben, the Swedish kennel club, is a union of non-profit clubs all over Sweden.

Svenska Kennelklubben, SKK, is Sweden's largest organization dedicated to dogs and dog owners. We represent the interests of our 300,000 members – first time dog owners, experienced breeders, hunters, dog lovers, puppy byers, exhibitors, agility competitors and many more. We promote the health and welfare of all dogs, and give support to our more than 14,000 active breeders. Our clubs also offer our members a wide variety of activities.
Organization structure
Geographically, the Swedish kennel club is divided into 25 county clubs. Each county club is responsible for membership care in its own county. We also have 35 special clubs, who are responsible for one breed or several breeds each. Our youth club is called Sveriges Hundungdom.
The central organization has an office with about 70 employees, administrating the club's business. All decisions are made by about 20 central committees/working groups. The Swedish kennel club is governed by democratic decisions at all levels. The final decisions are made by Kennelfullmäktige, KF, who assembles once every second year. All member clubs send delegates to Kennelfullmäktige. During the period between the KF assemblies, the Central Committee is responsible for running the club.
The Swedish kennel club was founded in 1889, has about 300 000 members today, and is referred to for considerations in dog matters.