How we use your personal data

Revised: 17/04/18

All personal data is processed in accordance with the legislation applicable at the time of processing. As of 25 May 2018, personal data is to be processed in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about the regulation, please see the Swedish Data Protection Authority website.

Terms of membership, registration (for example of health check results, litters and owners), committee election and participation in the activities of the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) (including competitions, exhibitions, working trials, dog mentality assessments, and behaviour and personality assessments).

As a member, breeder, participant, registered owner (of a dog or cat), committee representative etc. of SKK or its member organisations, you agree that SKK may save and store your personal information in conjunction with your participation in its activities (including training, courses, exhibitions and competitions). This is necessary in order for SKK to act in accordance with its purpose and objectives as laid out in the club statutes. When applying to take part in various activities and registering litters, health check results etc., you are required to confirm that you have read and taken note of the information provided by SKK relating to the storage of personal data. According to GDPR, SKK is required to inform you as a member, participant, owner, committee member etc. of the fact that we store your personal data.

Information about SKK’s procedures relating to the storage of personal data in connection with membership, registration, election to committees, activities and competition.

For what purpose do we store personal data?

SKK stores personal data in order to fulfil its relationship with you. By submitting your personal data to us, you agree that SKK may store and process it either in the performance of our contractual obligations or where SKK’s legitimate interest provides a legal basis for such processing.
SKK registers the names of those participating in its activities, which include courses, competitions and lectures. In most cases, you yourself supply us with the personal details we require by filling out various application forms. Personal data may also be collected in other ways. The data stored is that which you submit to us or which we request from you. We also store personal data in our members register, as well as in our owners register.
We use your stored personal data to manage your links with the SKK organisation; for example, for sending you information, contacting you within the organisation, contacting you in the event of a dog or cat being reported lost and registering litters. Stored information is used in various contexts where we need to contact members, participants, committee representatives or owners. This data is also used by the organisation and its partners for compiling dog- and dog ownership-related statistics, as well as for research, the recruitment of members, health surveys and any other matters which may be in the interests of the organisation. Personal data may be used by SKK for direct marketing purposes and for sending out information. Should you not wish to receive our direct marketing communications, please contact our membership department.
In conjunction with your attending different kinds of meetings, certain personal details are stored in various types of document. Examples of this may include personal data stored in minutes or annual general meeting activity reports.

When do we store personal data?

SKK stores personal data in connection with the performance of our various activities; for example, when you apply for membership, submit a result on behalf of your dog or register yourself as an owner. In submitting personal data to us, you at the same time agree to us storing such data. 

Which personal data do we store?

The details stored are those we request in connection with our activities, such as competitions or courses, or on those occasions where registration is required. Usually you will fill out the details we require yourself. The details we collect are also those we store.
SKK primarily collects information either directly from you or from data you have submitted via an SKK-affiliated club, partner, veterinary clinic or the like. The details we need are your name, personal identity number, postal address, email address and telephone number. If you have not provided us with your personal identity number, we will perform a search for it in order to keep our address register up to date. A personal identity number is also a prerequisite for us to be able to establish your identity correctly. We regularly update personal identity numbers and postal addresses via the Swedish State Personal Address Register (SPAR).

How do we store personal data and who has access to the information stored?

We store personal data on our servers and in cloud services and, for documentation in paper form, in files and locked document cabinets. Stored data may be accessed by, among others, authorised members of staff, board members and club officials. Each register has its own individual access control. We also store personal data on SKK’s websites and, where you have consented to your details being displayed, these may be visible, for example, in SKK’s owners register and on www.kö SKK also publishes the personal data required to report test, competition and exhibition results on SKK's websites.

How long do we store personal data?

SKK stores your details for as long as your personal record is in any way connected to SKK’s register.  The storage period varies. Some records, such as information relating to breeders and judges, are never erased. A person with no connection to SKK other than through their previous membership will have their record erased no later than three years after membership is terminated. Personal data contained in board meeting minutes is not deleted since these are kept indefinitely for historical reasons. The same applies to kennel name applications, disciplinary cases and the registration of litters. Here too, personal data is stored indefinitely. Other personal details are stored for different periods depending on the data in question. For example, bookkeeping records are stored for seven years in accordance with Swedish Tax Agency regulations.

GDPR exemption on the basis of freedom of expression and information

The General Data Protection Regulation does not apply where personal data is processed in connection with the exercise of freedom of expression or information. According to the regulation, national courts shall uphold exemption on the basis of freedom of expression and information. In Sweden this means that such personal data processing as is constitutionally protected by the Freedom of the Press Act and the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression is exempt where application of the regulation conflicts with these constitutional provisions. Processing of personal data for journalistic purposes or in connection with academic, artistic or literary pursuits is furthermore exempt from most GDPR provisions.

Exemption by publishing licence

The regulation allows member states to derogate from the rules on personal data processing where this is necessary in order to maintain the right to freedom of expression. The Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression governs both the publishing licences which automatically apply in the case of mass media companies and those which take effect following a successful application – so-called voluntary publishing licences. Where a publishing licence exists, the rules on personal data processing are invalid to the extent that they infringe on the constitutional right to freedom of expression.

Revision of this document

This document may be subject to revision as a result of changes to or affecting SKK or its business activities. SKK’s business activities are affected, for example, by laws, statutes, rules and decisions. When changes occur which require SKK to adjust its handling of and procedures relating to the storage of personal data, this document may require some revision also. Where revision is required, this will be stated in the text. Revised: 17/04/18.

Contact with SKK

You are welcome to contact SKK’s membership department with any questions relating to your personal data. You can also request extracts, corrections or erasure of your personal data. You always retain the right to prevent SKK from storing or processing your personal data, provided SKK’s interests do not outweigh your erasure request. If you wish for your details to be erased, please submit your written and personally signed request to the address below. According to GDPR, you also have the right to receive on an annual basis an extract containing those personal details of yours which have been registered by SKK. Such requests must be personally signed and sent in writing to:

Svenska Kennelklubben, Medlemsavdelningen, Box 771, 191 27 Sollentuna. If you consider that SKK is handling your personal data incorrectly, you may lodge a complaint with the Swedish Data Protection Authority.

Personal data, with the exception of personal identity numbers, may be used by SKK for direct marketing purposes and for sending out information. Should you not wish to receive these communications, please contact our membership department on +46 (0)8-795 30 50 or at

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  • About the website

    Svenska Kennelklubben's website is an important channel for information from us and communication with you. We also have other websites and online services, such as Hunddata (information about Swedish dogs), Avelsdata (powerful tool for breeders) and Internetanmälan (for entry and payment to dog shows).

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