Cancer hos svenska hundar
In this project, we will use data from Agria Pet Insurance to evaluate cancer incidence, mortality, and risk factors for cancer development in dogs. We will also identify the spatial distribution of cancer in dogs and people, and evaluate associations between environmental exposures and cancer in both species.
We hope to contribute to a decreased cancer incidence and increased welfare, as the results can guide future studies on the underlying mechanisms of cancer and shed light on environmental hazards that increase the risk of cancer.
Om projektet
Projekttitel: Cancerepidemiologin i den svenska hundpopulationen N2022-0010
Ansvarig för projektet: Karolina Engdahl, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala
Slutrapport beräknas 2026.
Artikel om studien i Veterinärmagazinet 1/2025:
Människan, hunden och cancern